About Me

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Hi there, thank you for stopping by. I am a Canadian Stampin Up demonstrator who loves what she does. I so enjoy being able to share different ideas and techniques to others and seeing the looks on the faces of those that think they will never be able to do it, you all know who you are. I am married to lovely man that just smiles at my stamping addiction, two great kids that I just could not imagine having as a part of my life....not that they are perfect...smile!!!!! I do have a furry little girl too that is just to sweet for words. Now you know a little about me I hope you enjoyed your visit and come back anytime. Happy Stamping!!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

So here is the Deal!!!

So I have so not been a reliable demonstrator with my not posting BUT in my defense it has been SOOOO busy here and I really do not know how some other demos/bloggers do it....keep up the house , stamp everyday and have stuff to show on their blogs.  All I have to say is kudos to them as I am not as organized as I should be.

Now as for today no I do not have anything to show you BUT again it has been an extremely busy first week off of school.  My son has a severe speech delay due to a hearing loss in one of his ears and he is usually scheduled two weeks of speech camp at an amazing place called London Speech and Language and as much as it is good for him it is an 45-60 min drive to it then home, then at 3:00 it is trio to London again and then home.   He is done now for a week then he gets another one and then a last one in August.

So it has been busy and then tonight went from hectic to sad.  Anyone who knows me or has been following me for the little while that I have been doing this knows that I live in the house I grew up in and that we are on a small farm.  Well 22 years ago my dad got his dream when he got his first horse and tomorrow morning her and one of the others that has been here for a good 15 years are having to get put down tomorrow.  We have never had a dog or cat live for as long as we have had these two horses.
Anyone that is animal lover even if it is not a horse per say will understand the saddness that our two households are going through so please forgive me but I will not likely be back for over a week because after tomorrow and our having our weepy day(LOL like I am not already having a weepy evening) I really need to get my act together and get my swaps done for convention and then Wednesday am my girlfriend/downline and I will be off to Utah for some major stamping excitement. So when I return I will be sure to share all the fun and exciting things we did.

So until then have a great week + and
Happy Stamping
My daughter riding the beloved Cheyenne who needs to be put down....she is three here and only 5 now...and certainly not understanding the whole thing but she has her memories.

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